Benefits & Rules

Hows TravelerTalk.Com drive benefits for you ?

  • Have your own journal, because each articles shorted by author, your name listed on authors page. You can campaign your own URL to others by give your URL on TravelerTalk.Com, example :
  • Increase popularity on search engine, ex: Link on article is a natural backlink.
  • Publish your promos or events, if you are a tourism operator.
  • Bookmark HTML clipboardeach article instantly on social bookmarking website.
  • Don’t know to write ?. Express your idea : critic, complaint, etc on FORUM. The world will be as an eye witness of your ideas.
  • etc.

Rules on TravelerTalk.Com :

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Opinions, advice and all other information expressed by participants in discussions are those of the author. You rely on such information at your own risk. You are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in the discussions.

Any posts will be reviewed by us to be under our approval against rudness or unpolite contents. Any posts not meeting these guidelines may be removed with our without notice.
We do not remove posts or accounts on request.

We reserve the right to modify and amend these terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to remain informed of current TravelerTalk.Com policies. We further, reserve our right to disable any account at any time for any reason and without notice. If there are any rules or policies you do not understand, please contact us via our help desk at go[at]


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